Monday, April 26, 2010

Help! Homemade Christmas Gift

You can blame the economy, the fact that our household income has dropped significantly due to my income drop, or just a wild hair on the part of my wife, but she has declared that, this year, we will be exchanging homemade Christmas / holiday gifts. No ordering online, going to stores, in other words, no easy way out. The only criteria for the gift is that it has to be homemade. If one has to learn a new skill to make said gift, all the better. I have been at my wit's end as to what to make her.

First, I thought about my current skillset. I am pretty good at cross stitch, make wonderful homemade candles, herbal sachets, aromatherapy products (massage oils, bath salts, etc.). I've made homemade Christmas cross stitch ornaments in the past, rose sachets, even covered oranges with cloves and dried them. But I want to do something really special for her. Any ideas are welcome! I had a brainstorm as I was sitting here, writing, about writing a small book about our life together, complete with pictures, highlighting the high points of our life together, along with observations of events that have happened and how they have strengthened our relationship. I'm sure there is a site online that is there for writers who want to self publish. It would be something very special we would have forever. Definitely will research it.

I also thought of a stained glass project because I've never done stained glass (even though I have considered it and bought basic supplies in the past). Something that would represent two hearts merging into one. It would necessitate learning a brand new skill and take time. But it would also require an investment of both time and money. The time is not an issue, but the money is - for lessons, equipment, and of course, supplies. I think the writing project would be a lot less expensive. But I don't know which one she would be happier with.

Would be very interested in hearing from others about your opinions as to which would be more significant and a better project and welcome to other ideas, too!

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